Course Description

Over the past 20 years, John Plank, a top communication and presentation skills coach, delivered his Commanding Presence seminars to thousands of lawyers, accountants, senior executives, project managers, and professionals throughout North America and the UK.

Using video and materials from the most popular and transformational units, we have created a comprehensive and in-depth public speaking, communication and presentation skills program to continue John's legacy of providing world-class training.

This program is designed for professionals who want to increase their effectiveness and personal performance when speaking in all situations, including one-on-one, meetings, and large audience presentations.

At the end of this program, participants will be able to...

Master Eloquent Speaking

  • Think on their feet and respond persuasively and eloquently in one-on-one situations, meetings and large audience presentations
  • Effectively use the Focus Method of communicating complex ideas and thoughts
  • Create a speech draft in 45 minutes that is persuasive and designed to be remembered
  • Manage their fear of speaking

Become a Charismatic Communicator

  • Master charismatic communication skills, such as how to "be in the moment"
  • Make sincere eye contact
  • Speak effectively from notes
  • Become a compelling speaker

Control the Room

  • Utilize effective platform and meetings skills
  • Learn powerful gestures and movement while communicating
  • Understand how to best use technical equipment

Rediscover the Power of their Natural Voice

  • Assess and evaluate their voice quality
  • Manage their speaking anxiety with relaxation techniques

What’s Unique about Commanding Presence Online?

Your instructor John Plank was one of the world’s finest communication coach. His perfectionism and continuous dedication to his art for the last 25 years led him to become a master of delivery. In this program, John is at his absolute best. Here, John’s coaching reflects the consummation of his lifetime achievements in communication skills training.

Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Communication Skills Training. Thousands of lawyers, accountants, and corporate executives throughout North America and the UK have attended the Commanding Presence™ programs to elevate their career. Many of them experienced life transforming improvements and raised their speaking skills to the same level as their writing skills. Commanding Presence Online consists of the most popular units of the programs. What was once only a limited small-group workshop is now available at a fraction of the cost.

On-demand and Smartphone\Tablet Optimized. Take this course at your own pace. Stop and start as you require. It's 100% mobile - so it's the perfect "commuter course".

Designed to Empower You to Become Your Own Coach. The program will raise awareness of your performance. You will learn how to analyze your voice, delivery, and most importantly, manage your speaking anxiety.

It is a Lifetime Tool. Using your PC, smartphone, or tablet you can even review the unit videos and materials in advance of an important talk, meeting or presentation - or even moments before. It is a powerful tool at your disposal.

Course Overview

  • Introduction to The Last Workshop
  • Unit 1: The Fundamentals of Communication
  • Unit 2: The Focus Method: How to Think on Your Feet and Respond Eloquently
  • Unit 3: The Speech Wizard Method: How to Draft a Speech in 45 Minutes
  • Unit 4: Charisma: How to be a Charismatic Communicator
  • Unit 5: Platform and Meetings Skills
  • Unit 6: Best Practices for Continuous Improvement

Recommended tools for this program

A smartphone with a video camera feature or a digital video camera.

Late Founder of Commanding Presence

John Plank

John was one of the most highly qualified and respected communication coaches in North America. John spent 25 years of his life coaching and helping others. He was a director of workshops and actor training at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. He taught at universities in Canada and the U.S. and was a popular keynote speaker for conferences. He coached senior executives, lawyers, accountants, broadcasters and professional speakers. As performance coach for CBC Radio and Television, John worked with reporters, news anchors, hosts and Olympic commentators. In his relentless pursuit of perfection for his clients, John used compassion, humour and ingenuity.His internationally acclaimed Commanding Presence™ programs are accredited by law and accounting associations in North America and the U.K. The programs focus on essential public speaking, presentations, and meeting skills for all professionals who wish to elevate their career.

Course curriculum